Identifying Tasks Only You Should Be Doing: A Step-by-Step Guide

by Frances Quinn Frances Quinn | 23 November 2023 2:43:32 PM

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Being an entrepreneur means making the most of your time and expertise. To ensure you're focusing on tasks that truly harness & leverage your unique skills & empowering your team to take care of the rest, follow these steps:


  1. Set Aside Dedicated Time: Find a quiet space where you can think without distractions. This could be your office, a cozy corner in your home, or even a nearby park.

  2. Grab a Notebook or Digital Device: Have a notebook, journal, or a note-taking app ready to jot down your thoughts and insights.

  3. List Your Skills and Strengths: Begin by listing down all the skills, knowledge, and experiences that make you stand out in your field. Consider what you're genuinely passionate about and where you've excelled.

  4. Identify Your Unique Selling Points: Highlight the qualities that set you apart from the competition. These could include your creativity, technical expertise, problem-solving abilities, or unique experience & insights.

  5. Seek External Feedback: Sometimes, it's helpful to ask colleagues, mentors, or friends for their input on what they perceive as your unique strengths. They might offer a fresh perspective you hadn't considered.


  1. Create a List of Daily Tasks: Make a comprehensive list of all the tasks you typically handle in your business on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis. This list should encompass everything, from administrative duties to customer interactions.

  2. Match Tasks to Your Strengths: Review your list of unique strengths from Step 1 and compare it with your daily tasks. Identify tasks that directly relate to your expertise and align with your unique strengths.

  3. Prioritise Core Competencies: Highlight the tasks that fall within your core competencies. These are the tasks that only you should be handling because they showcase your distinct value in your field.

  4. Be Critical and Honest: Don't be afraid to challenge yourself. Sometimes, we might want to hold onto tasks we enjoy but aren't truly our strengths. It's essential to focus on tasks where you genuinely excel.

  5. Create a Clear "To-Do" and "To-Delegate" List: Divide your tasks into two categories: those you need to continue handling ("To-Do") and those you should delegate or outsource ("To-Delegate").

By following these steps, you'll gain a clearer understanding of your unique strengths and which tasks align with them. This insight will allow you to streamline your workload, maximise your efficiency, and ultimately make your entrepreneurial journey more successful and fulfilling.

If you want a hand working out how to turn your 'To Delegate' list into your 'Delegated' list, reach out for a sales-pitch free success session!! 👇

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