Stop the Leak: Scaling Your Business with Military Efficiency

by Frances Quinn Frances Quinn | 18 April 2024 9:49:00 AM


Blog Title Images-1As a business owner, you're no stranger to the thrill of growth and the peril of growing pains. When scaling, it's easy to miss the small inefficiencies that bleed money from your business. However, it's these very inefficiencies that can mean the difference between thriving and barely surviving.


#1 Plug the Profit Pores

Case in point: a client of mine once resisted delegating any tasks to their team, believing that the only way to get tasks done right was to do them personally. This led to wasted investment in their team members, who were often unproductive, lost revenue & profits for the business with the owner's time being tied up in low value tasks, and poor decision making as a result of overwhelm and burnout. By defining & systemising their hiring, onboarding, training & people management process, the owner was able to save more than 50% of their time & rededicate that time to revenue-building and client success activities. Your business might be leaking money in places you haven't even thought to look.


#2 Automation is Your Ally

Take it from the tech giants: automate wherever possible. Another client automated their customer ordering process, reducing time to deliver by more than 80%. The result? A double win of increased customer satisfaction and a significant decrease in operational time investment. This enabled this client to reinvest that time in product development and leverage it to launch a 2nd business entirely focused on the power of AI to automate & streamline previously labour intensive tasks.


#3 Data-Driven Decisions

The world’s leading entrepreneurs thrive on data. A logistics client implemented data & metrics to track their customer service response times & customer demand, and optimise staff rosters accordingly. By utilising their team members more effectively, they were able to increase customer response times by 92%, driving greater customer loyalty & eliminating rework, saving tens of thousands of dollars in wasted time annually. Small tweaks, guided by data, can lead to significant savings.



Remember, the goal isn't just to make money but to keep it. Efficiency isn't just a buzzword; it's your secret arsenal in the battle for business longevity.

If you want to make sure you have everything ready for your team, book in a discovery call to discuss how you can delegate like a boss, and watch your small business, coaching, or consulting practice thrive! 👇

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