Top 10 Tips for Increasing Business Productivity

by Frances Quinn Frances Quinn | 19 February 2022 6:00:00 PM

Increasing Business Productivity

You started out with a clear plan for a productive day, and somehow it spiralled out of control and DESPITE working through the night, you got NOTHING done that you wanted to. Sound familiar? 

I've been there.

The unfortunate truth is that the best laid plans almost NEVER go to plan

Customers complain. Machines break down. Team members make mistakes. Family members get sick. A competitor steals an idea. The list of possible disruptions is endless. And they will happen at some point or another. 

Although we are all at the mercy of these distractions and cannot eliminate them from our lives, it IS possible to take back control of your day by controlling the things we can, in order to better respond to the things we can't. 

Here are my top 10 tips to help you increase business productivity and take back control of your day: 

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When it coms to productivity, first you need to identify what's most important for your work, personal, family, and life. Once done, block time out in your diary to do those things. The plan might change but it's FAR EASIER to shuffle blocks of time around in response to those changes than it is to start from scratch every time you're interrupted. #1 - Block out your time 


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Use the features on your phone and computer to help you focus on really important tasks. It takes 20 minutes to get into a flow state, and each time you're interrupted the clock starts again. Create non-negotiable focus time to work on the most important things.  #2 - Use your 'do not disturb' 


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Distractions are the enemy of progress. Stop letting your apps define when you pay attention to them. Turn off your notifications and block out time to check them when it suits you instead.  #3 - Turn off notifications 


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You are not the best person to do absolutely everything. Focus only on the things that only you can do. Systemise the things that are repeatable, train someone else to do them and let them go. Train your team in your decision making process for things that are not repeatable, and trust them to apply their judgement then let these things go too. Done by someone else is often better than done perfectly by you. #4 - Master the art of delegation 


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And I don't mean your alarm clock! ⏰

Keep your email inbox under control by snoozing items you need, but don't need right now. If you keep it in your inbox you'll touch it another 47 times before you do it, and it will occupy a tiny corner of your mind that is better used for other things. If you don't need it right now, put it away. #5 - Hit the snooze button 


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Record all your stuff - to-dos, notes, projects, reminders - in one place (that's not your head). Use a project or task tracking tool to capture and record everything, so that nothing is ever lost and you can set-and-forget it. For bonus points choose a tool that is available across all your devices and integrates with your other key tools so you can more easily create new items. #6 - Create a one-stop-shop


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Many things we do, we do more than once. Even when it's not exactly the same from one scenario to another - you can use templates to get you 80% of the way there. Whether it's emails, notifications, proposals, client documents, or team communications - most things that we write have some standardised structure to them. Create templates to shortcut your way from to-do to done.  #7 - Master the art of templates 


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Taking 1 hour to plan your week will save you 1 day a week in lost productivity, lost focus, and lost time. You may not naturally be the type to plan ahead - but developing this one skill will change the course of your day, your week and your life.  #8 - Become a planner 


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You cannot be your best self if you aren't rested, fed, watered, centred, clear-minded or calm. Take time to fuel your body, your mind and your soul well, and make that time non-negotiable. It will amplify your output and return value well in excess of the time you spent to do it.  #9 - Prioritise self-care 


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Not every problem that crosses your path is yours to solve. Sometimes the best answer we can give is to trust the bringer of the problem to find their own solution. If we take ownership of every problem we not only load our own backpack with more weight to carry, we also rob the other person with the opportunity to learn, grow and evolve. Give them trust and autonomy - they may not always get it right, but they will learn, grow and become more valuable for the experience. #10 - Take off your superhero cape

The Verdict

Like it or not, we are living in a fast-moving, high-distraction era which shows no signs of slowing down anytime soon. But we do have a choice. We can either adapt to it or be controlled by it.  


Implement just one of these strategies each week, and in less than 3 months you will find yourself living in harmony with this distraction heavy world, rather than trying to swim upstream against the tide. 

Need help getting started?  Book a call today! 👇

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Additional Reading